The above picture is my life at the moment. Night Crawler is such a freaking cutie! He is my all time favorite mutant and I fully expect to write a book all about him in the near future <3
I told my mom earlier that currently my flow of inspiration is gone. It's like I am beating my laptop with a dictionary. Word, words, words... but none of them mean anything to me and I'm only writing to update stuff. I'm just in a slump I guess ;)
Christmas planning, prepping, and celebrating is in full swing around here! It finally hit 40 degrees here in AL so now it actually feels like winter! We have our tree up, house lights up, and presents wrapped <3 I love Christmas!
I saw this on Pinterest and fell in love <3 I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Welp, that's about all I have to say at the moment.
I would like to thank SelenaBarrows12 on here as well. She made me a few covers for Gone Rogue so I have an adorable new cover! Thank you!! :D
Much love to you all!!
I'll leave you with a little writing prompt in case you are dealing with writer's block like me!
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