I posted the first sneak peak to Gone Rogue on Dec. 18th. I am 4 chapters in now and have over a hundred reads! Pretty freaking epic.
I am LOVING the new story and I think it's doing the characters a bit more justice than the first version. You can click here if you want to check it out <3
My other ongoing books include :
A Dark Journey! It's a Peter Pan fanfic that focuses in Captain Hook and his journey to being a pirate! Click here to check that out :D And here is Generation 2! The title isn't on the cover here because I don't have that one saved ;) It's an Avengers fanfic. Their children are the focus and they are trying to save their parents who have been kidnapped by an unknown villain. Click here to read Generation 2.
I have multiple ideas for new stories, but none are sticking at the moment. I'm sure I'll figure something out. I just love writing and want to create as many worlds as possible.
And of course, here is your writing prompt ;) Much love to you all <3 <3
What about your short stories and scenes collection? That's not on here.
ReplyDeleteTrue... I forgot to be honest! Lol