Get to know me!

Monday, March 30, 2015


So.. I have a thing for red heads, gingers, if you will. But not in real life! Like, I'm sure they are lovely people, but I'm just not super attracted to them. BUT I want all my characters to be red heads(I'm talking about you, Rowan)... It's really weird! lol
See?! Do you see? Aren't they gorgeous? These two are in the works for something I'm working on in my free time. The girl is Silvana Valentine. Everyone calls her Medusa because her eyes can capture you and who knows what'll happen from there?
The guy is named Madden Valentine. Her brother. NOT TWINS THIS TIME! See, I have a thing for twins too ;) No, he is 3 years older. Very protective, but he hates her guts most of the time for the trouble she causes.

These pictures go with it as well ;) One thing about me that I HATE is that I can create characters.. but not a story. I have so many characters that I love and are bigger than life, but they have story to live in because I suck most of the time! >-<
I am so ready to start new original stuff. I love fanfictions and all, but I want to prove to myself that I can write something real! Something I can actually publish. It seems so out of reach.
Much love to you all <3

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hobbit Induced Tears and WolfBlood Ships

Hiya! How are you? Hope you're amazing!

I just wanted to throw it out there that The Hobbit : Battle of Five Armies will SHRED your soul... or what's left of it. I am late seeing it, I had to wait for the DVD. So yesterday I watched it.. and Lord have mercy I cried my dang eyes out! Just why? I had to spend the rest of the night reading fanfics where everything ended happily ever after! Especially Kili and Tauriel <3 They were such a cool couple concept.

Anyway, my tears have since dried.. until I decide to let it destroy all over again.. which will happen. I can't wait to have the whole Hobbit and LOTR marathon.

I was watching Wolf Blood with my sister again. Great show! I recommend it. All three seasons are on Netflix. Anyway, not until season three did I really like Jana. I mean, she was cool and all, but I didn't really like her. Well, in season three she is like.. my favorite character (sorry Bobby, my love.) in the series.

You would have had to follow me since the VERY beginning on Wattpad to know I had a fanfic of Wolf Blood. It picked up where season 2 left off. Maddy came back and yada yada. It got like a thousand reads.. but I deleted it because I couldn't come up with anything for it.

Well, now that season three is out... I have a new SHIP. Jana and Aran. Yes, the crazy wild wolf blood with his undying protectiveness over his alpha. I really really like them together (Not that they date in the show) But I got to thinking, I could make them date *smirk* as a fanfic writer I can do whatever I want.

Any thoughts? I have so much other stuff going on, but it's all Marvel. Might be nice to have a change of pace. Not really sure what it would even be about. Would Maddy be back? Or maybe Rhydian would pose a threat to this relationship? (I kinda ship him and Jana too *Sigh*)

Just a thought anyway. I couldn't find any Jana fanfics, so it could be fun to play around with that character. I'm just not sure what I could do with her.. or any of them for that matter.

Anyway, let me know! ;)

PROMPT :D :D Mermaids all day every day! <3

Much love to you all <3 <3

Monday, March 23, 2015

So many ideas

Robin Hood's lover? Yes, no, maybe?? I have so many story ideas it's actually stupid. This idea would be that she is the daughter of a corrupt king. She is kidnapped by Robin and idk from there.

I want to do a Tarzan's daughter story. A prissy city boy should come to Africa and be in the place Jane was. Will he stay or go?

I want to do a story about the Midas Touch.

I just need to perfect short stories.. I'm not good at laying them out correctly.

What do you do with all of your ideas? I keep them and get all upset because I can't use them right tis minute.

I made this cover yesterday just because I was bored. Wrote a little preface for it. --

Her mother died. Her father, King of Lilanthria, is aging. The kingdom will need an heir, will it not? Good thing the king has five strapping sons to fill in the job description. Evlin doesn't think she stands a chance at the throne, being the youngest and a girl. Things can change quickly as she soon finds out. Fate has it's own idea and it says that she is the king.

Bleh bleh bleh ;) Idk what to do at the moment.

Much love to you all <3

Prompt -

Thursday, March 19, 2015


It's been such a crappy month. I just want to sleep all the time! lol

I'm not enjoying the stuff I write. It's not fun for me and I just can't do it. I'm still trying to finish Gone Rogue and that's like pulling teeth trying to write it.

Demon with a Purpose hit a hundred reads the other day! In celebration, here are a bunch of adorable Kurt Pics....

I'm trying really hard to overcome this slump! I just want to enjoy everything I do.. but I'm not right now. Oh well... It'll fix itself I assume.
Much love <3 <3

Monday, March 16, 2015

4 Hour Cleaning Spree

I just spent 4 hours. I repeat, 4 hours. Cleaning my room. How on earth did I let it become so messy?! Goodness. My back and feet are aching. The reason I cleaned it so thoroughly is because my family is trying to get our house ready to be put on the market!


So, other than that I haven't done too much. I finished chapter 29 of GR which is great because I was soooo stuck! It's been gorgeous outside so I went out there and somehow got it finished. Must have been the fresh air ;) I am so excited to be finishing it! I've only been working on it since Christmas, so I'm surprised at how fast it's been written.

Here is your prompt. I'm in love with it.

Much love to you all <3

Saturday, March 14, 2015

An Original??

"I suggest you change your mind really fast," I growled and tightened my grip on the man's neck. "I'm not in the best mood and I want you to hand over the keys."

The man, a rather large man at that, was terrified. Why would a man be terrified of a 16 year old girl? I was one of them. One of those cursed Aberrational. My eyes and markings gave me away... and maybe the fact that flames were resonating from my arms. "Come on! I'm giving you 5 seconds!"

I could see the fight in his eyes, but come on. He would lose this fight pretty fast if he didn't give me the keys to the lovely mustang sitting on the curb. I needed it to get the heck out of this town. Even now I seemed to feel danger all around me. Those creeps from the government could be anywhere.

"1!" I yelled and pushed his body down harder on the concrete.

His eyes roamed my arms again and I intensified the flames. They were crawling down my arm, promising to reach my hands that were wrapped around the sensitive skin on his neck.

I couldn't help but smile at his stupid bravery. "2, 3, 4." I clucked my tongue and watched his face turn red from the heat. "Guess I'll just nick 'em from ya when you're not as.. alive."

"Fine!" he gurgled and tried to reach into his pocket.

"Oh, thank you so much!" I smiled and used one hand to keep him down until I had the keys in my other hand. Leaning down, I kissed his cheek and pulled back, admiring the burned lip mark it had left. "You've been a big help."

A quick kick to the head ensured I would have time to get away. Of course, I could have done that in the first place.. but I enjoyed these exchanges. They finally put me in control of the situation.

Walking over, I smiled and stroked the car's shiny red paint, "You're a keeper." Before I got in, I went over to another car and took the license plate off, switching it with the one on the mustang. That should buy me some time.

I didn't have a drivers license.. but driving a car was nothing new to me. Driving a car as nice as this one, well that's a different story! When I had seen the guy get out of the car in a relatively inconspicuous spot, I couldn't help myself.

I've played around with the idea of making Fire and Ice an original for some time now. It's not easy since I already am so familiar with the characters. There can't be an X-Men, there can't be a school, there can't be students! I have to change EVERYTHING.

Above is a sneak peek of what I have going on in my head. Rowan is sorta a way bigger BA than before. She's pretty nasty at first actually! But yeah, that's what I'm working on from here on out.

I hope to be done writing Gone Rogue by the end of the week!

Oh, and DWAP has almost 70 reads!!!! Not bad for a week ;)

Much love to you all <3

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

New Dax??

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a lovely day, night, whatever it is to you. My day has been nice. The weather is warm and I can see spring blooming everywhere.

My birthday is creeping up. I'll be 17 on April 22nd. Super excited about that! I plan on going out to eat with my parents and getting an industrial piercing. It should be fun! Not to mention it will be my last year of being a teenager... That's kinda insane when I think about it.

I still have writers block with Gone Rogue and HTOFP. It's driving me slightly insane!! But, I did find a new Dax and I must say.. I'm in love.

Colton Haynes! I found a TON of GIFS and Pics which you can check out on his character board linked here -

I know, I know. He's not anything like Alex Saxon.. But I think for this story, he needed an updated look. So yeahhhh. He's gorgeous

I wish writing the story was as easy as finding pins! lol SelenaBarrows12 has been finding me some great ones!
Yeah. It screams Dax.
So anyway, That's about all I have to say! Writing is going slow, but pins are not ;)

Here is your prompt!
Much love to you all <3

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Writer's Block : Real or Real?

I've heard it said that writer's block isn't a real thing. Supposedly it's just a mental thing. If you sit down and write, then something good will come of it. But I don't really believe that. I. Have. Writer's. Block.

I always say that the need to write drives everything. My head is full of words and I have to let them out. Most of this week it's been the opposite. My head is empty! I've tried reading books to fill it up again, but nope. I just can't do it!

Usually the stuff I write in this state sucks! You can tell that my heart wasn't in it.

It's driving me insane! I have books on wattpad to update and my own stuff that I would like to finish up. >-< I am not a happy person right now.

How do you guys deal with writer's block? I would love to hear from you and try out some of your methods.


So, I must say that Tuesday night was stressful for me! I had built up Gone Rogue to it's breaking point and chapter 24 was a monster. I wasn't sure how everyone would react to what I did and for the first time in my life, I was nervous about posting something! Yeah, they were mad! As expected! lol I would be mad to, but I'm not the reader ;) They probably think I'm evil.

I've also condemned my baby, Bobby, to a horrible fate under the hands of a certain writer ;) She knows who she is! Try not to make it too painful? He can't help what I've done!


It is so freaking cold in Alabama right now. I HATE ITTTT. Where is spring? It's supposed to be spring like!

Well, I'm off to 'attempt' to update Generation 2.

Much love to you all <3 <3

Here is your writing prompt!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

1000 again!

I didn't think I would be saying this again so soon, but I have hit 1K with another book! Gone Rogue is now at 1K. I'm pretty sure the last time I checked it was at 800 something... so I'm not sure how it happened, but it did! Yay!!! I'm happy about it.

I've been working on a secret little project that only one other person knows about that will go up when Gone Rogue is complete (Which will be soon!) I can't wait to start that up.

Much love to you all <3