My birthday is creeping up. I'll be 17 on April 22nd. Super excited about that! I plan on going out to eat with my parents and getting an industrial piercing. It should be fun! Not to mention it will be my last year of being a teenager... That's kinda insane when I think about it.
I still have writers block with Gone Rogue and HTOFP. It's driving me slightly insane!! But, I did find a new Dax and I must say.. I'm in love.
Colton Haynes! I found a TON of GIFS and Pics which you can check out on his character board linked here -
I know, I know. He's not anything like Alex Saxon.. But I think for this story, he needed an updated look. So yeahhhh. He's gorgeous
I wish writing the story was as easy as finding pins! lol SelenaBarrows12 has been finding me some great ones!
Yeah. It screams Dax.
So anyway, That's about all I have to say! Writing is going slow, but pins are not ;)
Here is your prompt!
Much love to you all <3
I liked Alex Saxon....