Get to know me!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Crush Time

Dang. I updated Generation 2. for the first time in two months. I kinda figured not many people really cared or read it... But it went up by over a hundred reads when I updated.. Once again, dang! I can't believe that. I guess people care a bit more than I thought! I'll have to work harder to update it more often.

Gone Rogue needs 9 more reads to reach 400! So that's pretty awesome.

Look out for the return of Two Worlds Collide. It has been renamed Roles Reversed and a few other things have changed. I hope you will enjoy it! <3

Go check out my friend, SelenaBarrows12! She only needs a few more reads to hit a thousand! :D Go read it!

I've been listening to this album obsessively. It's the Rags Movie soundtrack. I freaking loved the movie and it gave me a life long crush on Max Schneider

Look at his adorable self! My goodness gracious. Go check out the album on YouTube. Not sure where you can find the movie... it just comes on Nick sometimes. <3 But seriously, the music and movie are freaking awesome. << Soundtrack

I hope you all have a lovely weekend <3 You can use Max as a writing prompt lol 

Thursday, January 29, 2015


On January 28th 2015, I hit 20 thousand reads on Fire and Ice!! Thank you all so very much. Words can't express my happiness.

I am using this blog as a scrap book of sorts so that I can look back and remember things as they happen.

Gone Rogue is approaching 400 reads, super exciting!

Amway, that's all I really have to say. As I said, this is just for me to remember when things happened <3

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I. Am. 50. Read. Away. From. 20. Thousand. Views. On. Fire. And. Ice.

What the actual heck?! I hit 10K on the day I finished Fire and Ice and here I am a few months later at 20K... I have no words to express my thanks to each and every one of you.

I would like to thank my friend SelenaBarrows12 for always being there from the beginning and leaving comments that made me want to keep writing.

I am still editing Fire and Ice. Hopefully it will be even better one day.

I set the goal of 50K. Wonder if I'll reach it? ;) Either way, I'm very thankful for the 20K that I have <3 Thanks again.

Monday, January 26, 2015


I haven't really had anything interesting to talk about these past few days. I've had a pretty sucky week. Saturday was better. I went with my best friend, Jessy, to our little 'city.' It's where we go when we want to shop and stuff. There is a mall and everything.

We went to this amazing book store that I love so much. They sell books, movies, posters, comics, it's a geek heaven! We went to the pet store and guitar center where she picked up a guitar. I spent the night as well.

It beat the funk I've been in, so yay! Thank you, Jessy! Even though you aren't reading this ;) I love you anyway.

Gone Rogue is going well. I just posted chapter 11! Which is pretty insane. I only got to chapter 6 in the first Gone Rogue. I've also been editing Fire and Ice which I am enjoying very much!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Speech to Text

I'm writing this while I wait to watch American Idol. I have become obsessed with singing shows as of late.. probably not the best thing, but I am. After watching it I plan on writing chapter 19 of Gone Rogue.

I feel like all I talk about on here is writing Gone Rogue... which is sort of all I do! ;) I've worked my butt off to write a chapter a day. I feel really accomplished, even though my other stories are slacking.

There are so many stories floating in my head that I want to start.. but Gone Rogue is on the forefront of my mind. It will be until I'm finished!

I want to start a story with this prompt. I think it could be super fun!! We'll see! :D

I am also re writing Two Worlds Collide.. I want that to be out again soon. Either way, it's only January. I will write until the day I die.. or until I lose control of my hands.. In which case I hope there is exceptional speech to text tech!

Much love to you all <3

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Bleh Day

It's been a bleh kind of day. It was beautiful though! It was around 7o degrees and sunny in the lovely state of Alabama. We went to the park and I unashamedly spent most of the time looking for good selfie lighting *blush* I'm in need of a new profile PIC on Facebook. I did write while I was there too, though I always have trouble writing when it isn't at my house.. it's weird.

I currently have a headache, so that's fun. I find that green apples help out with that but we don't have any. 

I am still writing chapter 18 of Gone Rogue. I posted chapter 8 last night and was so happy with the comments! They made my day so much better.

Fire and Ice has been bugging me and I really want to rewrite it. Not like extensively, but still add some stuff and general editing. I just can't bring myself to do it though! I have no inspiration for it.

I've almost finished Wolfblood season 3!!!! AHHHHH It's so freaking epic. If any of ya'll have Netflix then I seriously recommend it.

Here is your writing prompt. It's one I have been using for Gone Rogue! Hope you all have a lovely day/night!!

Monday, January 19, 2015


Fire and Ice hit 19 thousand reads today. Wow. Wow is all I have to say. I am my own worst critic, so I can't see why THAT many people like it or want to read it. That sounds awful, but it's the truth (In my head anyway) I want to say a huge freaking thank you to everyone. It's insane and I am so thankful.

I am now working on chapter 18 of Gone Rogue which is insane all in itself.. Already half way finished <3

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Onyx and Congrats Selena!!

I was just wandering around on the internet which is what I do with most of my time.. And I stumbled across a name. Onyx. Onyx is a mineral which I find rather gorgeous, especially when black. I have debated on buying an Onyx ring for a while now.. but I never thought of using it as a name! I was intrigued and now have an entire story wrapped around that one name.

Does that ever happen to any of ya'll? You just like something but it stays on your mind and creates something out of itself.

Onyx Grace is now a very real character to me even though she was only created moments ago. Her brothers are just as real as she is. Her world is being built even as I write this and that is an amazing thing. The fact that our minds are capable of creating worlds, people, stories... everything. 

They said it best! Lol and I really couldn't draw a lamp to save my life... But anyway, just wanted to express my excitement at the birth of a new story.. a new world... a new escape.

I also want to express my excitement for SelenaBarrows12! She finished her story, Forever Haunted, today! What an accomplishment! I love it and I do hope you will go read it and leave her a comment if you are seeing this!
<3 Here is the link to Forever Haunted -

Keep an eye out for Onyx ;)

Writing Prompt <3

RANT and Wolfblood

Dealing with slow internet has to be one of the most frustrating things I ever have to deal with! It's slower than freaking Dial Up! It keeps shutting down and then my headphones decided to break, so no music for me!

Grrr lol little rant over. Just needed to get that out. It's been one of those days. The battery in our car went out so my dad had to take off work to go buy a new one.. and yeah.

I'm going to ATTEMT to go and get this internet to work so I can write.

Wolfblood season 3 is now out on Netflix. Super exciting! It's always fun to watch it and I can't help but think about Bobby from Gone Rogue since Bobby Lockwood is his actor. Either way, I'm four episodes in and loving it!

Writing Prompt. It's super cute and I actually started a story idea from it already! Maybe ya'll will be seeing that soon?

Part Four of Fire and Ice Fanfic

I've been working so hard on Gone Rogue. I wanted to make sure that it was going to last longer than the first.. and it certainly has! I am almost finished with chapter 15 and I am shooting for 30 chapters in all! So, half way done. The story is building up to it's crescendo, so I am very excited. Then again, I think it will have two major story arcs.. but who knows? My characters don't always listen to me ;)

Here is the last scene that SelenaBarrows12 wrote for me! It's super cute and it's my second favorite ;)

Sariah around at the crowd of people in and around the pool. She had never been to a pool party at the mansion before, though there had been plenty. She just wasn't the party type.
But Kurt had managed to talk Sariah into coming by saying he wanted her to meet a new friend.
Sariah was honestly curious to know who this friend was. She and Kurt were the kind of siblings that everything about each other- that was how close they were as siblings.
Sariah could not see her brother. Where he was, she had no clue. But she could see Rogue with a group of friends. After thinking a few minutes, she decided to join them.
Sariah climbed into the pool and swam over to her sister. Rogue ad her friends whispering profusely, pointing at someone or something. When Sariah looked where they were pointing, she saw nothing interesting.
Sariah joined the girls and smiled when they joined her. "What are you talking about?" she asked.
"The new girl," said One of Rogue's friends.
"There's a new girl?" asked Sariah.
"Yes," giggled another one of Rogue's friends. "Where have you been?"
"She's the one who almost burned the school down a few days," added a blonde girl.
"Oh, that new girl!" exclaimed Sariah, remembering the redhead who had been punished with Bobby. "To be honest, there's so many people here it's hard to keep track."
"You got that right," said yet another one of Rogue friends. How many friends did her sister have?! "Who are you again?"
"I'm Sariah," said Sariah slowly. "You know, telepath and telekinetic?"
"Doesn't ring a bell."
Sariah sighed. "I'm Rogue half sister. My mom adopted her. That's how we're related.
"I thought you had a brother," said the blonde, staring at Rogue in confusion.
Rogue sighed and began to explain just how they and Kurt were related.
Sariah's mind began to wander. She was brought to her senses when she realized the water was growing steadily warming.
Sariah clambered out of the pool, her eyes wide in surprise and wonder. Who could heat up the water like that? As far as she was aware, there was no one at the mansion with water powers.
She knew for a fact that the new girl had fire powers; she had set off the fire alram when using them. That was why she and Bobby had been punished.
Sariah heard shrieking and saw Rogue and her friends jumping, shouting something that sounded like "HOT!"
Sariah heard giggling and Kurt's voice. It sounded like it was trying not to laugh.
Sariah's eyes lit up and she hastily walked towards her brother's voice. By the time she had reached what she thought was her brother's voice, he was nowhere in sight. Neither was the giggling girl she'd heard.
Sariah scanned the crowd, knowing her brother couldn't have gotten far and would be easy to spot.
She finally spotted them by the drinks. He seemed to be arguing with a red haired girl who held a slip close to her body.
"I don't want to!" Sariah heard the girl say.
"Please, Rowan," begged Kurt. "Nobody will make fun of you. We all have them."
"They're ugly, Kurt." The girl's voice was sad and shook as she spoke.
Kurt moved as though to hug the girl when he noticed Sariah. 
"Sariah!" he cried. "Thank goodness you're here! Rowan refuses to take off her slip. She's embarrassed."
"Why?" asked Sariah, looking closely at Rowan.
"Because..." Rowan took a deep breath. "My scars and markings are ugly and embarrassing and I don't want to be made fun of."
"It can't be as bad as being blue and fuzzy," whispered Kurt sadly.
"We all have scars," said Sariah. She showed Rowan her arm. "I got bit by a mountain lion. When I fell on it, I broke it."
Sariah pointed to her shoulder. "Got a spiky disc lodged in my shoulder. Danger Room session." Sariah pointed to her forehead.
"I have an abusive who used forced me to use my powers to rob banks and stuff. One day he shoved me and I scratched my forehead on the corner of a table. Not as cool as the other ones, but..."
Sariah pointed to her leg. "A few months after I arrived at the school, my foster father got out of jail and kidnapped me. He took me to a bank to rob it. But the police beat him to the bank, and surrounded us. He held me at gunpoint for a while, but I managed to break free and tried to run to a police officer. I turned around so I was facing him and was slowly backing up when he dropped the gun. It fired and I got shot in the leg. So, I still have the scar."
Rowan stared at Sariah with a mingled look of fear, fascination, and, relief.
"So what are your scars?" asked Sarah.
Rowan hesitated but turned around and slowly pulled up the back of her slip.
"I had a run in with Sabretooth when he was trying to bring me here. He attacked Logan. I had to help. So, I set him on fire, and... He attacked me."
"They aren't ugly," said Sariah. "Sabretooth is scary. You're lucky scars was all you got. He could have killed you. No, they're cool."
"Yes! So, what about these markings of yours, huh? Can I see?"
Sighing, Rowan turned around so she could see Sariah.
"I can't," she whispered. "They're ugly. They make me a freak."
"No they don't. Everyone here has scars or markings or both. Don't be ashamed. None of us will judge."
"Don't be so sure of that,' muttered Rowan. 
"What do you mean?"
"Not everyone here is accepting. When she saw, Rogue called me weird and a freak."
"Well, I'll have to have a talk with my sister," muttered Sariah.
"Didn't Kurt tell you? We're brother and sister. We have the same mom but not the same dad. We're technically half siblings, but that's confusing. Rogue is my sister through adoption, but she's part of my family. It doesn't matter that she's not my sister by blood."
"How do I know you won't tease me like she did?"
"Rogue's a little misunderstood. She's nice when you get to know her. She's had it bad is all. And I didn't tease you about the scars. Why would I tease you about the markings?"
Rowan sighed and slowly pulled off the slip. Running up her arms, from her wrist to her shoulders, were black flames. They looked like tattoos.
Sariah stared in awe. 'Rowan," she said slowly. 'Rowan, they're gorgeous. I don't get why Rogue hates 'em. Prof won't let her get tattoos!"
Rowan laughed. "So... You REALLY like them?"
Rowan smiled widely and flung her arms around Sariah. "Thank you," she whispered.
"I just told you the truth, that's all," smiled Sariah. "But you're welcome."
"Hey Rowan!" someone shouted. "Can you help us start the bonfire?!"
Kurt smiled at Sariah. "She reminds me of you- a lot," he said as Rowan ran off.
Sariah raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? How so?"
"Well, she's been in the system since birth too. She has a time trusting. She's insecure."
"Insecure? I wasn't insecure, just scared. But never insecure."
"There are different kinds of insecure. You weren't sure if we would like you or if you could make friends or fit in. That's insecure. Rowan's insecurity is if people will like her ad if she'll fit in."
"I guess you're right," smiled Sariah. "So... Was she the friend you wanted me to meet?"
"Yes. I think you guys would be good friends."
"Yeah, I do."
Sariah wandered over to Rowan.
"You look great," Sariah said, pointing at Rowan's swimsuit. And your markings look great with it. And the red of your hair looks good with your blue swimsuit."
"Thanks," smiled Rowan.
"By chance, are you... Did you heat up the pool?"
Rowan blushed. "I can create heat in the water, but not water. You aren't mad are you? I'm sorry I freaked out your sister and her friends."
"I'm not mad, it's just... Well, that isn't the way to make friends with Rogue. You gotta  earn her trust. It may or may not be easy. But, don't worry. Sometimes I wanna something like that too. But, she's my sister, so..."
"You really care for her."
Sariah smiled. "Yup. It's hard to really hate you siblings. You stay mad at 'em forever. You love them no matter what they do."
"You love her even though she's just adopted?"
"She's part of my family."
"I wish I had a sibling," sighed Rowan. 
"It's great to have someone you know you're related to that's your own flesh and blood. You have someone to talk to, someone to share everything with."
"Sounds cool," remarked Rowan.
"Who knows," said Sariah, "maybe you've got a sibling you never knew about."
"That would be awesome."
The rest of the party, Sariah noticed Rowan smiling and laughing. Kurt seemed happy about this too. He smiled at Sariah.
"Whatever you did to make her happy," he said, "keep doing it."
Thanks again to Selena for writing these awesome scenes! I really enjoyed them and I hope you all do as well!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Part Three of Fire and Ice Fanfic

Anyone who knows me is aware that I love Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) more than life itself ;) And SelenaBarrows12 wrote a little scene of him telling his sister some very interesting information. This one was my favorite out of the 4 and I hope you enjoy it!

Sariah paced the bedroom as Kurt sat on his bed, staring at a picture of him and Rowan on the opposite wall. He said nothing.
"We'll find her," said Sariah.
"How?" asked Kurt.
"Rowan can't be far," said Sariah. "The Professor will find her or Bobby. I promise."
"Sariah, I... I love her," whispered Kurt.
Sariah grinned. "It's about time!" she exclaimed.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, come on, Kurt! Everyone but you is aware that you love her!"
"Yes! We aren't blind, but you and Rowan sure are! You can't even realize you like each other!"
"So.... you approve?"
"Of course!" Sariah was silent for a minute. "Do you feel like you need my permission to date her?"
"I wanted your opinion. I don't want to go dating someone if my little sister despises her."
"Well, I don't despise her. And she will be very lucky to date you. You are the sweetest, kindest, smartest, and funniest big brother ever. You'll make an awesome boyfriend."
"Don't doubt it for a second."
Kurt smiled at his sister. Sariah sat down next to her brother , putting an arm around him. "We're gonna find Rowan and Bobby. And at least now you know you love her."
"Yeah," whispered Kurt. "At least I know."
"You always have, you just haven't admitted it until. Wait until the others hear!"
Sariah laughed and jumped up. She made towards the door, and Kurt, shouting something frantically in German, teleported in front of her. Sariah could tell he was blushing by the strange color in his fuzzy blue cheeks.
"Please don't," he pleaded.
"Everyone already knows," grinned Sariah.
Kurt smiled. "You're such a tease," he laughed.
"I could say the same for you."
They laughed.
EEK the cuteness overload.
SelenaBarrows12's links -

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Part Two of Fire and Ice Fanfic

Sariah stomped up to the girl, her face, tears stills falling down her face.
"You," she whispered. "You did this!"
"What do you mean?' asked Rowan, her hair a brighter red than Sariah's angry face.
"Because of you, the mansion is gone- my only home. And it's your fault. I have nowhere to go. No home. And I am NOT going back into the system!"
"This is not my fault," hissed Rowan. "I had to do what I had to do."
"What?! You came back to the mansion after being kidnapped with this whole fake act, left your brother to be TORTURED, and now, look at the mansion! Look at Kitty! Don't say you weren't a part of this, Rowan!"
"I was going to warn everyone! There was nothing I could do to help Bobby! You guys had a better chance at rescuing him than I did!"
"I wouldn't leave my brother or sister to be tortured," Sariah hissed. "They wouldn't either."
"Well, even if you WERE being held captive and tortured, Rogue wouldn't be here to save you," whispered Rowan.
"What do you mean, she isn't here to "save" me?"
 "She ran away after touching me."
Sariah's clenched fists loosened. She stared at Rowan, blinking in disbelief. "She wouldn't," she whispered.
"She did."
Sariah slowly shook her head and slid down to the ground, staring and trying to blink back her tears.
"Why would she do this?" Sariah finally asked.
"She feels bad about touching me because she found out I was telling the truth. She saw my darkest memories. That's why."
"When I find her, I'm going to kill her!" cried Sariah. "I can't believe she LEFT, after all that's happened!
"You can't do that," said Rowan quietly.
"And why can't I?"
"Because.... Bobby's already gone off after her. He left this morning."
"Why is he running after her?"
"I don't know. He says he loves her. Rogue's just gonna hurt him and reject him and tell him to leave."
"Rogue isn't gonna hurt Bobby. She never would. But Rogue needs cool-off time."
"Well, she needs to be found. She stole a car."
"She did?!"
"Yes, and I'm not surprised."
"Rogue would NEVER steal a car! You don't know her like I do, Rowan, you haven't been here that long."
Rowan's eyes went cold, which was saying something. "That's exactly what Bobby said- and then he left."
Rowan's markings began to glow and Sariah raised up a force field. The ground slightly shook.
"Rowan!" cried Sariah. "Rowan, you have to control yourself! Rowan!"
Sariah frantically tried to get into her mind to calm her down. Finally, the ground ceased its shaking and Rowan's markings stopped glowing.
"I know you're upset," said Sariah. "I get it. Rogue was my sister and she ran off. Your brother ran off. I get it. And I'm sorry. I'm scared because the mansion is destroyed, Rogue is gone, and Kitty got hurt. But you're hurt too. Bobby is gone, your home is gone, and your mom-"
"Bobby did the right thing," cut in Rowan. "She never loved us. She was a bad person."
"My mom is a bad person, too, but I don't want her dead. So what if she hurt me and Rogue? I love her despite it. You should too. She gave you life. Aren't you just a little sad?"
"Don't speak of things you don't know about! Don't you DARE!"
Rowan's hands flamed up and Sariah raised her force field again.
"Rowan, I get that you're angry. I'm angry about everything that's happened. I know you're angry Bobby left. I'm sad myself. We were housemates for nearly 3 years. He was really nice. I'm sorry."
"You don't know Bobby like I do," whispered Rowan. 
"I know."
"He wouldn't have done this unless..."
"It was true love," finished Sariah.
Rowan nodded, tears in her eyes. Tears were in Sariah's eyes as well.
"Hopefully, they'll come back together," said Sariah.
Rowan nodded. "Hopefully," she repeated.
Click here for SelenaBarrows12's Wattpad and here for her Blog!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fire and Ice Fanfic?!

My LOVELY friend SelenaBarrows12 ( Click here for here for her Wattpad and here for her Blog ) sent me a message a while back and had an idea. She writes a fanfic called Forever Haunted and it's set in the X-Men world. As you may know, Fire and Ice is also an X-Men fanfic. She has been a loyal reader and tells me that she enjoys Fire and Ice, so she wanted to write a few scenes. In these scenes, her BA character, Sariah, is thrown into the world of Fire and Ice. Epic, right?? I am going to post one a day, as there are four in all.

I freaking love what she did. It's so fun to see your characters written in someone else's POV. Kind of like a fanic of Fire and Ice, which is so epic... anyway, read on!


Sariah stared at the hospital door, the memory of the mansion flooding her mind as tears pricked her eyes. She was so lost, and upset, and confused. What had just happened?
It was Kitty in that hospital room. That was Kitty, most likely dying. Kitty, one of her first friends at the school.
And most likely the second friend to die.
She heard shouts, arguing, but she didn't pay attention to the voices. If she had, she would have realized the voices belonged to two of her housemates. But she didn't.
Sariah quietly slipped into Kitty's room and stared. She was hooked up to several machines. A mask was pressed to her face to help her breathe and she was hooked up to an IV. Sariah cringed to see Kitty like that. And it made her furious.
Sariah sat down by the bed and put her hand on top of Kitty's.
"I saved my picture," she whispered. "I decided to carry it around with me. Good idea, huh? I wore my locket, too, that was smart. Sorry I couldn't save anything of yours."
Tears began to fall down Sariah's face. A voice behind her interrupted her thoughts. It was the Professor, trying to get her attention.
"Sariah?" he asked.
"Is she going to die like Onikah did?!" Sariah blurted out. She had needed to know for so long.
"I don't think so," said the Professor.
"So, she might?"
"She will more likely live than die."
"So, what will you do to Rowan?"
"But she did all this."
"But you don't know her side of this."
"She did nothing wrong." 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Current Books

HAPPY TWO WEEK LATE 2015!!! I basically suck at blogging so.. yeah! :D lol I hope you are having an amazing new year <3

I posted the first sneak peak to Gone Rogue on Dec. 18th. I am 4 chapters in now and have over a hundred reads! Pretty freaking epic.

I am LOVING the new story and I think it's doing the characters a bit more justice than the first version. You can click here if you want to check it out <3
My other ongoing books include :
A Dark Journey! It's a Peter Pan fanfic that focuses in Captain Hook and his journey to being a pirate! Click here to check that out :D
And here is Generation 2! The title isn't on the cover here because I don't have that one saved ;) It's an Avengers fanfic. Their children are the focus and they are trying to save their parents who have been kidnapped by an unknown villain. Click here to read Generation 2.

I have multiple ideas for new stories, but none are sticking at the moment. I'm sure I'll figure something out. I just love writing and want to create as many worlds as possible.

And of course, here is your writing prompt ;) Much love to you all <3 <3