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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Bands and Archery

Hiyaaa :) I feel like it's been forever and it probably has. I've tried to write a few posts but ended up hating the rambling mess I had word vomited onto the screen.
I'm not even entirely sure what the last thing I talked about on here was. Might should have checked. Anyway, I'm moved in case anyone was wondering. I am now a resident of North Alabama. I have to say, it's not nearly as glamorous as I thought it would be. I miss home.. a lot. I miss my friends and family.
I also hate the house I am in. It's a small apartment for now until we can transition into something bigger but right now it's pretty awful haha... I thought our old house was small.

My anxiety and depression have been pretty nasty lately. I'm having a hard time with everything and I'm just praying that things get better soon. I don't like being sad, ya know? It sucks.
I've wanted nothing more than to write lately even though nothing really good is coming from it. My bad mood is kind of translating.. for sure.

I will say that a few things are looking good. Fire and Ice for one - I've been really inspired to rewrite it and work on the idea that it can be a trilogy. Fire and Ice, Gone Rogue, and #3. I wonder what a good title for the series as a whole should be? Any ideas?

I've also been working on Generation 2 or now what is known as Interim : Genesis.
It's been nice to revisit these characters but I'm not really sure what's going to come of that whole situation.


I finally revamped my pinterest and it's literally making me so happy. I just want to sit there and look at it! Haha It's almost an art - the layout and covers. Here's a link if you're interested. It's what's been taking up a nice chunk of my time.


Oh. My. GOSH. By the way - I have the most amazing parents ever and if we can snag tickets, I will be seeing 5 Seconds of Summer next summer!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH



I had my first archery lesson tonight. That was interesting... and very cold. My fingers were basically ice by the time I was done. The string actually snapped my sister's arm and it's all nasty and purple :/ Kinda cool though in a weird way..


Much love to you all <3


Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I'm finally back *breathes huge sigh of relief.* I won't even go into all of the insane details of how we moved, where we moved and why.. but all that matters is that we're here! We are settled and we finally have internet again!! It was gone along with cable for a whole week. How did I survive you ask? I didn't. I'm currently a zombie.

Seriously though, I felt pretty bad about being absent for that long. I missed a DWAP update which *should* be posted late tonight. I just couldn't bring myself to write much of anything. I was in a funk and just took a long break.
I want to write like crazy now. I have this secret project I've been working on and I think y'all are going to like it.. hopefully anyway. I'm enjoying working on it. I knew I would need something since DWAP is kinda wrapping up (even though the sequel will be around soon). It's not a new something, but a completely changed something. I think y'all will like and that's all I'm saying ;)

My new room (my first bedroom all to myself) is coming along rather nicely in my opinion. So far the bed is finished and I have a lamp! Haha. Expect pics when I finish everything. I'm rather in love with it.

So tell me what you have been up to down below! I'm so out of the loop with everyone and I miss y'all <3

Much love